Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring break and Art Projects!

My spring break kicks off today! I have been waiting for this break to kick in since last week! Around this time, at least for me, students start to some what burn out a bit.

With plenty of time in my hand, this gives me the chance to do a decent blog update, and share some of finished paintings and current projects that is in W.I.P (work in progress)

Perfume Still Life
The Perfume Still Life this was a very interesting painting to do, I really enjoyed playing with all the perfume/bottle shapes and simply painting all the interesting colors that I saw.

Red Tree Stump
The Red Tree Stump  was originally suppose to be a abstract painting but ended up turning into a tree stump of some foliage.I took advantage of being loose at the beginning and simply playing with colors and not worrying about making "realistic colors", I am very pleased with the results and will try this method approach in the future.

finished sketch on my watercolor paper. I will be painting this very soon, for its one my assighments that I have to turn in for my class, plus 5 more to sketch during my break!

Last but least, playing around with pen nibs and testing it them out on a parchment paper that I recently bought. I love the old antique feel to it, I am also taking advantage of practicing the inking, since I plan on inking the watercolor sketch above once I lay down all the colors/washes.

I will do another blog update tomorrow, on my current reading material that I feel is really essential for any artist out there wanting to improve on there overall understanding of color and painting. But, for now I am simply enjoying the idea that I have nice 1 week spring break.

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to seeing that sketch painted and inked! Hopefully your spring break is going well, it's good to get some r&r after a hectic winter.
